Category Archives: Commitment

What Are Your Intentions?

Blog 12.17.14“What one does is what counts.  Not what one had the intention of doing.”
Pablo Picasso

When you are designing your 2015 business plan, your plans will be influenced by the elements we have previously discussed: what worked and what didn’t work in 2014 and what it is that you intend to provide to your clients by looking ahead to what they will want from you in 2015.

The plan that you design will be informed by two powerful elements: intention and commitment.  These elements are found in any noteworthy human endeavor.  Let’s look at what each element means and how they work together to build a powerful business plan.

Intention: the thing that you plan to do or achieve: an aim or purpose

Commitment: a promise to do or give something

As you can see by the definitions from Merriam-Webster, the two words are dependent on each other as the intention calls forth the action from the commitment.

Your plan requires both intention and commitment to succeed.  The plan is weakened by just having one of them.

As you continue to design your plan be mindful of having both.  A simple example is your plan to increase your client base by 20%.  The intention is the idea to increase the client base; commitment generates the actions you will take in order to achieve it.  You may be committed to blogging each week or going to two networking meetings a month.  The point is that the committed action follows the intention logically.

You do not have to make a year-long plan.  You may want to make your plan each quarter of the year.  That is a perfectly great idea and will allow you to design the year building on the shoulders of the previous quarter.  It also permits you to commit to small baby steps in order to achieve the intention of the first quarter.

In the space below, please share your first quarter intentions and commitments.  I am looking forward to hearing from you.