Category Archives: Vision

What Is Your Vision For Your Business?

Stitched PanoramaWhat is the vision you hold for your work in the next 10 years?

-Pamela Slim, Author: Body of Work and Escape From Cubicle Nation

We often have tunnel vision in our work.  We diligently focus on and take actions toward achieving our daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals.  What if we take a different approach as is suggested by Pamela Slim?

Slim suggests that we look at the “vision you hold for your work in the next 10 years”.  Note that she uses the word Vision as opposed to what actions are you going to take.

Let’s consider the definition of the word Vision.  Vision: the act or power of imagination (1): mode of seeing or conceiving (2): unusual discernment or foresight (Merriam-Webster)

When looking from the place of imagination, conception and foresight, how do you see your work in the next 10 years?  Another way to say it is: how would like your work to be seen in the next 10 years?

This inquiry gives you some space to play, to create something extraordinary, something stimulating and motivating, rather than a bunch of “have to’s”.  You can develop steps that are fun and rewarding.

It is also important to share your vision with people who are committed to you and to your success.  This will expand your vision.  Those people will be there for you, cheering you on from the spectator stands.  In fact, they may be inspired to develop and share their own vision.  When that happens, you will have a marvelous game to play together.

Now, that we have explored a way to answer the question with the emphasis on vision, please use the space below to answer the question: What vision do you hold for your business in the next 10 years?  And what step should you take right now to realize that vision?

I look forward to hearing from you.