10 Ways to Avoid Domination

avoidAs you read in the “Going Pro” blog I wrote in August, one must take actions in order to “Go Pro”.  Logically speaking those actions would then be created, committed to, planned out, and scheduled for action; and then implemented by the person who is intentional about “Going Pro.”  Most likely that someone is you or me.

Of course, I wouldn’t dare speak about you but I can boldly speak about me.  The minute I commit to a course of action, my “avoid domination” button is pushed.  I watch myself with some amusement as I go about my well honed skills in avoiding domination.  Here is what I use in no particular order:

1. Put off the action because “it doesn’t feel right, right now.”

2. Think I am getting a cold.

3. Get a cold or the flu or food poisoning.

4. Be really, really tired.

5. Think I better catch up on Facebook first.

6. Check my email for the 10th time in one day.

7. Google my project and go off on an adventure into “Google land” which for me leads to a lot of interesting ideas that have nothing to do with my new project!

8. Reschedule the action since I ran out of time FaceBooking and Googling.

9. Call a friend to see if he or she thinks I should move forward and convince them why I shouldn’t.  (I only call people who I can convince.)

10. Get hungry and fix a snack.

That’s a pretty gruesome list.  Left to my own devices, I do some combination of those things to avoid the domination of my commitment.  How about you?

As human beings we are wired to avoid domination—we are wired to dominate.  This is  common behavior, the automatic reaction to a big commitment such as “Going Pro”.  It takes insight and a sense of humor to break open the jail of avoiding domination and just take the action anyway.  As, Goethe said: Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.  Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.  Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.  Begin it now.

Take the time now to authentically look at how you avoid the domination of commitments.  Once you see how you do it, you will do two things, laugh at yourself and take forward action on your big commitments.

I would love to hear your comments about this topic below.  Thank you for taking the time to share them.

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