Tag Archives: apology

I Am Sorry

Change is certain.  Peace is followed by disturbances; departure of evil men by their return.  Such recurrences should not constitute occasions for sadness but realities for awareness, so that one may be happy in the interim.
I Ching

After the rainSeveral years ago, I was the subject of a campaign of hate fueled by nasty rumors, gossip, and even some threats.  The result of this campaign was being socially “black balled” by a large influential segment of the community.  Naturally I was devastated and felt misidentified and maligned.  I also felt very alone.

That very event was a catalyst for my growth and development.  I made wonderful new friends, deepened my spiritual path, and gained the confidence to build two new businesses.

Until yesterday, that past was mostly forgotten.  I had moved on.  Then I had lunch with an acquaintance from the that time.  Lunch was delightful and stimulating.  I was so happy that we re-connected and as we asked for the bill, she said, “I need to apologize to you.”  She was quiet for a few moments.  Then she said, “Please accept my apology for believing the gossip and rumors about you.”  She said she was now puzzled as to why she ever gave the gossip any credence at all.

This was one of those huge moments that come into our lives sometimes, both for her and me.  It takes a big person to apologize for perpetrating harm, real or imagined, on another.  It takes courage to apologize—and its scary.

I was a little stunned and quiet as all the old hurt and isolation re-occurred for me.  Then I said, “Of course, I accept your apology, thank you”.  The moment was over, the damage undone, history once again tucked away in the past.  We both left that lunch looking forward to the next time we would see each other.

This woman’s courage and bigness has inspired me.  I am writing this blog today with the intention to inspire you too.  It is my goal to encourage you to apologize to whomever you think you may have hurt.  I promise that you will discover yourself to be a bigger and more complete person.

In the space below, please share with me times when you have apologized for wrong and what happened.  I am looking forward to hearing from you.