Tag Archives: Coach

Let’s Start Something!

7.29.15It doesn’t matter when we start.  It doesn’t matter where we start.  All that matters is that we start.
-Simon Sinek

The starting principle that Sinek refers to sounds easy to people who are in the stands watching the players play the game.  What game, you ask?  The game of entrepreneurship.  What I have found as an entrepreneurial coach is that unlike great athletes who know they are going for the championship, entrepreneurs usually wait until they are painfully stuck to call in help.  Notice my use of the word painfully.  It is not until they are feeling pain that they contact a coach.  Many times they have been uncomfortable for quite a while before they finally decide to take the first action to resolve the problem.

In taking that first the action, other actions are easier to take.  And usually within a few weeks, they have results that were not going to happen anyway.  This sounds like magic; however it’s not; they have started something, and when you start something, a shift occurs in how you do things; opportunities present themselves, opportunities that you hadn’t seen before.

Here is how to make something happen:

  • Be willing to fail.
  • Keep your word.
  • Measure for results.
  • Be willing to be held to account.
  • Be responsible for what happens in your business.

And yes, a person can do it by themselves and some do.  However, having a trusted adviser or mentor engaged with you, the process goes faster and usually is a lot more fun.

If you are stuck and want some support, please contact me.  Together we will start something!


Image courtesy of Idea go at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Why In The World Would You Hire A Business Coach?

Now Hiring 91014Indeed, why in the world would you hire a business coach?  There is no simple answer to questions like these as there is for why you would brush your teeth or exercise.  To answer this question requires some personal reflection and then a certain amount of courage to act on it.  Yet business people do hire coaches.  And there may be several compelling reasons for taking that action, which is probably an atypical action for an entrepreneur.

By definition of entrepreneur, you are “one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise “merriam-webster.com

You are a risk taker, an explorer, riding into the undiscovered plains and mountains of the business world.  In other words you have courage, “guts”, and there are times when you fail.  When you fail, you are resilient—you go back at it again.  You don’t need anyone telling you what to do, “I want to do it myself—thank you very much.”

So then the question: Why hire a business coach?

  1. You are committed to accomplishing something that seems bigger than your expertise.
  2. You have reached a plateau in your business and are trying to figure out what to do next.
  3. You want to quit but feel like you still have something great to give and can’t figure out how to do it.
  4. You have tried and failed, but after the independence of owning your own business you know that you don’t want to work for anyone else.  But still, how can you make your business successful?

Hiring a business coach is an investment in success.

So, why would YOU hire a business coach?  I look forward to hearing from you.  Please comment in the space below.