Tag Archives: forever

Hiring Yourself Forever

HiredI have a colleague who says that the first step for any entrepreneur to take is to “Hire yourself forever”.  I’ve never quite thought about that way.  She’s right.  Before you can do anything, first you must have “you” on your side.  You need to hire yourself forever.

This sounds easier than it is—at least for me.  I find it hard to keep myself from being fired.  Yes, that’s what I said: I constantly look for ways to fire myself.  Especially when I have made some really stupid mistake.  I am embarrassed and just want to fire myself.  I suspect that it happens to you, too.  One day you are hired and the next day you are fired, from your business.

Being fired lets you off the hook.  You no longer have to make the contributions necessary to keep your business going.  On some days, being fired sounds like heaven to me.  Off the hook and playing tennis or whatever, every day!  Lunch with the girls!  Shopping!  Reading!  Taking long walks on the beach!  Now, every day is Saturday!

What?  Have you ever been “let off “either by redundancy firing, or actually fired?  At first, the freedom from the job responsibility is wonderful.  Then after about two weeks it becomes tedious.  After a month, you are either tearing out either your hair or someone else’s!  You are not the type the person who wants to be “off” forever, nor do you do well when you are.  How do I know that?  You are reading this blog.

The way out of this maze is to do just as my colleague friend says: Hire your self forever.  There is no back door here.  There is no going back—there is the joy of being responsible for your life.  This type of permanency allows for creation to occur.  When things get tough, confronting then, given your permanent status of being hired, you are focused on what is next.  What to do next.  How to implement what to do and then implementing it.  When you keep it up all sorts of miracles do appear.  You are a success with your employer, which is you.

In the comments below, let me know what you think about being hired forever.  I look forward to hearing from you.