Tag Archives: Social Entreprenuer

Are You A Social Entrepreneur?

Blog91714ID-10066572On LinkedIn there is a group called: A Startup Specialists Group.  There are 144,445 members who are dedicated to “starting UP” something great.

The people are talented, bright, driven and very serious about being successful entrepreneurs.  Most of the conversation is all about all aspects of business and increasing their business’ market share.

Last week one of the members said, “I am a Social Entrepreneur.”  What could he mean by that?  “I love being called a Social Entrepreneur,” he said.  “I am working on a social program to promote Coastal-Ecosystems Conservation in India.”

His comment was refreshing.  He may not have invented Social Entrepreneuring.  That’s not important.  What he did that is important is to make available a new way of thinking about ourselves—as Social Entrepreneurs.  Utilizing our business expertise to support the improvement of the human condition.  Instead of volunteering cheerfully, how about applying your entrepreneurial skills to your favorite organization and cause it to grow and thrive.  (You could still be cheerful.)

When you use your business skills in a different venue than business, you can make a difference that will be appreciated by your community.  Approaching your life as an entrepreneur will have you show up differently and will certainly make a difference.  Instead of leaving your entrepreneurial hat on the hat rack, wear it to the next private nonprofit function.  Looking at the organization as if it were a start-up that needed attention.  Ask yourself, “What can I do to make a difference here and have this thrive?

We as business people have an opportunity to make more contributions that we think we can.  Being a “Social Entrepreneur” is not a new concept.  It is a fresh way to look at yourself and see what you can accomplish.