Tag Archives: GPS

Thought for food?

Mike 2 Sep 2010 (260 x 322)It is not an everyday occurrence to receive such an elegantly written, unsolicited acknowledgment about the value of coaching.

I am sharing it with you not as a shameless self-promotion, which it is, but also as a commentary about what happens between a coach and the client.

It is my intention that it sparks you to look at the relationship that you have with your coaches to see if you are encouraging them to be your GPS.  If you are, bravo!  If you are not, perhaps you can dial it up a notch or two.

My coach is my GPS.

Sometimes I don’t know where I am and she helps me find myself.

Once I know where I am, she asks me where I want to go.

She never says, “Really” Are you sure you want to go there?”

But she often asks, “Why do you want to go there?

Then, she asks if I want to get there by way of the fastest route, or the easiest route, or the safest route and if I want to avoid toll roads.

I always chose the fastest route and am willing to pay the tolls.

Sometimes I get lost along the way and have to ask her to recalculate my route.  She never complains.

Sometimes I ignore her recommendation and take a short-cut.  That never, ever works!

Thanks to my coach GPS, I am fully prepared for the journey and able to deal with any traffic jams and detours I encounter along the way.

My coach is my GPS and all I have to do is ask for directions!

Mike Altman, CEO
Health Insurance for Mexico and the World

Pretty cool analogy eh?  I am looking forward to reading your comments!