Fuel Your Life With Back to School Energy – Here’s How!

Back to SchoolThere is the undercurrent of excitement in the air.  Can you feel it?  It’s back to school time!  Even though I am not personally going back to school, don’t have new books, a new pen or even a fresh clean uniform, I can feel the excitement of learning something new, opening up to possibilities not yet seen, new friends, new, well, everything.  See if you can feel it even if you hated school and the beginning of school.  If not steal some excitement from me.

This is the perfect time for you to review what you have accomplished so far this year.  Make a list of what you still want to accomplish and a plan to do so.  This is your second chance to end the year with a triumph of accomplishments graciously given to you by the arrival of “back to school” time.

The easiest way to do this is to get a pencil and paper and make this list of areas in your life:

  • Family
  • Personal Relationships
  • Spirituality
  • Physical Fitness
  • Health
  • Finances
  • Business
  • Fun/Vacations
  • Home
  • Contribution
  • Personal Style

Ask your self the following questions:

  1. Where am I now?
  2. Where do I want to be?
  3. What am I willing to do to get there

Rate each area from 5 (totally satisfied) to 1 (no, satisfaction ).

In some areas, you will be perfectly satisfied—and good for you!  What we are going for is for you to tag the areas of the your life that you are not satisfied with and are willing to change.  Notice that I used the word willing.  If you are not willing to take action, don’t even mess with it.  In the areas where you are willing to take some definite action, what will you accomplish?  Make it measurable and be accountable for it by putting a by when date next to it.  Put it in your calendar.  And, keep your word.

For example: Under the category of Personal Style, my closet rates a 1.  I am “willing” to move that from a 1 to a 3 by changing from plastic hangers to wooden hangers.  I will do that by August 30.

I am looking forward to hearing from you about what happened out of using this review of your life this year.  If you need any support, let me know.

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    2 thoughts on “Fuel Your Life With Back to School Energy – Here’s How!

    1. Mike Altman

      When I was in the fifth grade (both times), I remember having a realization that I was much better educated than I had been just a year or two earlier. Not only could I do long division, I understood why I might want to do it! I no longer feel a heck of a lot smarter this year than I did last year. So, I’m taking another look at rekindling the fire!
      Join me!!

    2. Susan James

      I got that Mike, both times!, you were so fortunate to really let that fifth grade information sink in twice. And, its the time when you realized something that has had made a difference in your life and learning.
      You totally got the point of the blog…it’s time to take on the energy of learning something new, newly. Thank you for your insightful comment!


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